Hello Lady,

Her name suits her well, the classiest old girl yet still a puppy at heart. While I am more of a cat person, if you haven't already picked up on that, my heart melts when families bring their dogs along. They're part of the family too!

Isn't there just something so sweet about the connection between littles and their fluffy pals, it's genuine and varies from kid to kid - I mean just scroll down a little a see for yourself.

a child holding onto a dog in a field of flowers
a baby and a dog standing in a grassy field
a child kissing a dog in a field

These pups play a big roll in the lives of your family, and I get that. These are your images, where the only thing that matters about them is that they bring you joy.

So yes, it's more than likely that bringing Lady along for the ride holds potential to get messy and someone will be chasing a dog and a toddler at some point but the laughter and the smiles in the end are completely worth it.

Never hesitate to ask if your pup can join too, summer sunsets are the best for them!

a boy standing in a field smiling
a girl standing in a field smiling in a dress
a baby siting in a field smiling
three kids smiling while standing in a field
a family standing in a field playing parachute with a blanket
a woman holding a smiling baby in a field
a dog laying in a field
a family standing in a field against a tree line
a family walking through a field swing a baby with a dog trotting alongside
a man holding a smiling baby in a field